Schedule Point Instructions for Students

We have recently upgraded schedule pointe to track a student’s progress with their curriculum for the private and instrument courses. Commercial pilot is still in the process of being upgraded.

As a student, you are required to check your schedule every day to see if there are any changes. Additionally, please make sure that you are correctly receiving emails from Schedule Pointe. Make sure that they are not under blocked emails.

Students will now have their lessons graded digitally, as well as in the hard copy of their training record.

Students are now required to digitally sign their graded lesson in order for it to be saved in the system.

Instructions on Creating a Pin and Signing Your Online Flight Training Record

  • You must first create a unique pin number on your profile. This pin number is the equivalent of your signature/sign/initial on your training record/logbook. Therefore, this number must be kept confidential. Please choose a pin that is easy for you to remember, as you will be using this after each lesson.

    • Click on the “Profile” button in the upper right-hand corner of your home screen. This icon resembles the shape of a person’s head.

  • On this page, click on the tab labeled “Sign On”

  • You can now see your sign-on info. You will have to enter your password in order to create a new pin. The pin will need to be a unique 4-digit number. Please do not share your pin with anyone else. Once you are done filling out this information, click “Save” in the lower right-hand corner of your screen.

  • Once your flight has been completed with the instructor, the instructor will spend some time grading your lesson and tasks. To complete a lesson task, a student must have a minimum grade of 3 or above. If a grade of 1 or 2 is given, this task requires the lesson to be repeated. Please keep in mind, the system will not allow scheduling the next lesson unless all tasks in the current lesson are completed with a grade of 3 or above. Please see the performance grading scale below:

  • Once the grading is complete, both instructor and student must sign with their unique pin in order to save and close the lesson in their flight training record.

Preparing for your Course Lessons

Students will now be able to track their lessons and assignments, including lesson tasks. You can also see how you are progressing in your course.

  • You can view your lesson ahead of time to know what you need to prepare and study for.
    • From your home screen, hover over the tab on the top of your page labeled “Curriculum”. This will prompt a drop-down menu. Click on “My Courses”

  • A list of your actively enrolled courses will now appear, including the start dates of each course.
  • Click on the course that you would like to review to open up the Course Syllabus. Each lesson of the course is listed along with links to review each lesson individually.

  • Click on the blue link under “Title” to review that lesson. Here, we clicked on Lesson 1 – Introduction to Flight. Upon doing so, another window will open with detailed information regarding the course lesson.

  • There is now a detailed description, information regarding the completion standards, and the study assignment for that lesson.
  • Additionally, you can now see a full list of the tasks associated with that lesson.

  • Make sure that you prepare for your flight based on the study assignment and list of tasks.

Viewing Your Curriculum and Progress Tracking

  • You can now track the progress of your lessons and see how well you are performing. You can also access your training records and logbook information.
    • From your home screen, hover over the tab on the top of your page labeled “Curriculum”. This will prompt a drop-down menu labeled, “My Curriculum”.
  • On the next screen, you can now view your curriculum. Your enrolled courses are listed, including your status, start date of that course, logbook, records, and progress.
  • Clicking on the Logbook Icon will take you to your logbook. From here, you can view your flight information. Flights that have not been graded will appear in orange.

    At the present time, flights done before this meeting will all be orange, until we are able to work with the platform to go back and give digital credit for those lessons. Not to worry, we are also keeping track of your records in your hard copy as well as logging them in your physical logbook.
  • Clicking on the Records Icon will take you to your records. Lessons that are successfully completed by the student will be marked with a status of C (Lesson Key at the End of this page).

  • Clicking on the Progress Icon will allow you review your course progress.

    The progress key is color coded. Lessons are scheduled in sequences under the lesson type: solo (light green), dual (baby blue), ground (gray), and simulator (neon green). Additionally, your number of attempts are tracked with each lesson.

    A lesson completed with 1 attempt is green, 2 is yellow, 3 is orange, and 4+ is red. Multiple failures at attempts of a lesson could lead to a review of your progress with Management.
  • Progress Key